Mar 22, 2017 | Articles
It’s easy for us to have a tough time being fully present. Instead, we constantly prepare for the future or analyze the past. As Christians, we are accustomed to hearing about Jesus being our greatest teacher. But we don’t often consider the fact that Jesus is one of the best teachers for something else: living in the present.
Feb 20, 2017 | Articles
Most parents would agree that their children don’t want to wait for anything. This “dis-ease” of waiting follows most of us into our adult years. But believe it or not, something actually happens while nothing is happening. God uses waiting to change us.
Feb 6, 2016 | Articles
Are you in the middle of God’s story for you? The middle is a tough place. Between the hope of starting out and the relief of the finish line, the middle part of the journey can be dry, stagnant and lonely. You might feel as if nothing’s happening. Somewhere we got the idea that the only things that really matter in life, are the “big” things…